- 重要日期
- 会议日期:2022年11月26-27日
- 全文截稿日期延期至:2022年10月31日
- 摘要截稿日期延期至:2022年11月18日
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Biography: Dr. Shuzhao Pei is an Assistant Professor at the School of Environment, Harbin Institute of Technology, and an Inductee of the China Postdoctoral Innovation Talent Programme. She has received 3 national research project grants, the Qian Yi Environment First Prize (nationwide 4 recipients), the Organo Water Quality and Water Environment Second Prize (nationwide 8 recipients), Outstanding Doctoral Dissertation Award (the only recipient in the environmental discipline), National Scholarship, and has published 10 papers in Top journals, including 4 papers in Environmental Science & Technology (Nature Index Journal) and Water Research (Nature Index Journal). She received her PhD. degree from Harbin Institute of Technology in 2021 and BSc degree from Northwest A&F University in 2015. Her current research area and interests are focused on electrochemical wastewater purification, characterization of electrode interface behaviors, smart functional materials for water purification, and environmental exposure risk assessment.
Topic: R&D in Efficient Electrooxidation Wastewater Purification with Electro-generated •OH
Abstract: Electrochemical oxidation is considered as the next generation of water purification technology due to its efficiency, cleanliness and ease of automation, which has great potential for development in the field of decentralized industrial wastewater treatment. •OH-mediated oxidation pathway is crucial for refractory pollutants abatement. However, the extremely high reactivity and short half-life of electro-generated •OH allows it to remain only within the sub-micron reaction boundary on the electrode surface. Therefore, this speech focused on (i) the introduction of basic aspects of electrochemical oxidation in environmental engineering, (ii) critical evaluation of its advantages, disadvantages, opportunities and challenges, (iii) electron spin resonance evidence for electro-generated hydroxyl radicals, (iv) characterization of interfacial Joule heating effect in electrochemical advanced oxidation process and its role in low-temperature wastewater purification, (v) development of ceramic reactive electrode membrane for electrochemical removal, (vi) application of pulsed electrochemistry to enhanced water decontamination, (vii) scale-up strategy for engineered applications, (viii) prediction these prospects for use within the scope of application by identifying key points requiring further research. The effective identification of electro-generated •OH and the characterization of its pollutant removal under the action of interfacial microphysical fields can contribute to an in-depth understanding of the reaction mechanism of electrochemical oxidation water treatment technology. The final part of the speech is a critical assessment of the integrated reactors and equipment that can be used to put these technologies into practice.

Biography: Dr. Tianshou Ma is currently a Professor in the School of Petroleum Engineering at Southwest Petroleum University (SWPU). He received his Bachelor’s degree in Petroleum Engineering from the SWPU in 2009, the Master’s degree and Ph.D. degree in Oil & Gas Well Engineering from the SWPU in 2012 and 2015. His research interests focused on petroleum engineering, petroleum related rock mechanics, and measurement while drilling (MWD), including Rock mechanics characterization, Wellbore stability analysis, Lost circulation prevention, Wellbore integrity, new MWD tools, and advanced drilling technology of safe and efficient drilling and exploitation for complex hydrocarbon reservoirs. He has published 70+ peer-reviewed journal articles and 20+ peer-reviewed international conference papers, and received 30+ registered patents. He was invited to be a reviewer for 50+ scientific and engineering international journals, and was awarded 8 times of “Outstanding reviewer”. He worked as co-chair or organizing committee member of academic conferences 10+ times, and a member of Future Leader of American Rock Mechanics Association. He is currently the Editor-in-Chief of Chinese Petroleum and Natural Gas Research, the Associate Editor of Journal of Petroleum Exploration and Production Technology and Frontiers in Earth Science on Geohazards and Georisks section, and the Editorial Board member of the Geofluids, Advances in Civil Engineering, Advances in Mechanical Engineering, Shock and Vibration, and Natural Gas Industry.
Topic: Quantitative Risk Assessment of Wellbore Stability for Heterogeneous Formations During Deep Oil and Gas Drilling
Abstract: Deep oil and gas formations typically exhibit complex lithology, strong heterogeneity, and strong uncertainty; consequently, there is a very high risk of wellbore instability during drilling and completion, which would seriously affect the safety, efficiency, and cost of drilling and completion operations. Therefore, to prevent wellbore collapse in such heterogeneous formations, a risk assessment method of wellbore instability was proposed based on reliability theory. The risk of wellbore instability was evaluated for both vertical and inclined wells. In addition, a numerical simulation method was proposed for progressive failure of an open-hole in inhomogeneous formations, a multi-layer finite element method with multiple iterations was used to solve this model. The progressive failure process of a wellbore in inhomogeneous formations was simulated, the influences of heterogeneity, progressive failure process, and wellbore pressure change are discussed in terms of progressive failure of wellbore, and systematic parametric simulation and analysis were conducted. This report will provide a basic and engineering understanding of wellbore instability in heterogeneous formations.